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eWeek of Prayer Teil 14 | Worth the Wait

Die Jugendabteilung der Generalkonferenz führt dieses Jahr eine eWeek of Prayer durch. Kurze Morgen- und Abendandachten möchten dich durch den Tag begleiten. Die Andachten sind alle in englischer Sprache.

“This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).

We cannot afford to live with no reference to the day of judgment; for though long delayed, it is now near, even at the door, and hasteth greatly. The trumpet of the Archangel will soon startle the living and wake the dead. --Child Guidance, pp. 560, 561 (1892).

"If you are right with God today, you are ready if Christ should come today." --In Heavenly Places, p. 227 (1891).

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